Isn’t it funny how everyone in the comment section suddenly is now a f*** genius after FB crashed?

Full disclosure, I do not own FB and I chose that back in the past based on their work ethics and actually allowed my emotions not to buy the stock, even though it felt discounted compared to other FAANG stocks, only did several swings with options.

Now every second comment you see is bashing them for going into VR, Augmented Reality and Metaverse notions, but I am pretty sure most of you had it in your portfolio or stated it is one of the safest picks out there. Now everyone suddenly notices it was their /plan/ several years ago after they noticed the growth will be limited and they shall lose moat, get cucked by Apple and such, focus less on their ad revenue and transition into Metaverse.

If you are so smart, why did you not post all of this surge of /knowledge/ previously?


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