Is volatility in good companies just manipulation to scalp shares?

Prime examples – META and Nvidia in 2022

Sometimes it seems extremely suspect to me when I see really good companies trading like penny stocks with extremely high volatility for absolutely no reason.

I remember seeing META tanking in 2022 like social media was about to go extinct or something. Constant 5-10% drops week after week. But earnings kept going up and up and up and up, despite the stock going down and down and down. And I remember the media acting like Meta was abandoning social media to shift to the “Metaverse”? (Remember that?). They used something that was a very small part of Meta's corporate strategy and made it seem like that's all they were focused on. Every week a news piece would come out about how the everyone was skeptical of the Metaverse. It was all a complete hit job to scare retail investors. Same thing with Nvidia. Now look at it. And guess what, during META's bull run, the media didn't mention anything ever again about the Metaverse. Funny how that works, huh?

It just seems like collarbative manipulation between market makers and the media, then they buy the dip and make even more money because they were the ones planning the FUD the whole time and knew exactly when they were going to shift the narrative

How is this even legal?


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