is there a way to calculate what AMZN options prices will be after 20-1 split in May?

(tried posting in r/options but get's removed immediately)

Hey everyone, bare with me because i cannot think of an “eli5” way of asking this…

Is there a formula to calculate what premiums could or will be to do hypothetical profit calculations selling c.c.'s after Amazon's stock split? I currently buy shares in batches of 100 and sell weekly c.c.'s against them

asked another way….

is there a formula to calculate what weekly premiums will be for AMZN calls after the 20-1 split in May? maybe we can use it's last close price of $2,936.35 as an example, which divided by 20 is $146.81. currently a call with a $2,940 strike (the next available strike after it's current trading price) expiring 3/18 has a bid of $70.05. is there to calculate the premium on a hypothetical call if AMZN is trading at $146 and we want to sell a covered call that expires the friday after next?

TLDR (kinda); I wanna yolo $400,000 into Amazon so i can have a lot of shares to sell covered calls against every Monday that expire that same Friday, how do i calculate what the dollar amount of those sweet, sweet premiums will be?? ahh mah brain hurts


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