Is it worth averaging down on a losing option trade?

example: You overpay for an option at 2.40. Stock drops and now option it's worth .40. But you're confident of it going back up, but not sure of it going near 2.40 again. Let's say it'll get to 1.50. Note: these are all weekly or bi-weekly options. Less than 11 DTE

So if you buy again at .40, you'll profit as it goes up, but you'll lose on your initial 2.40 purchase.

In this example, I'm talking about rebuying the exact same option contract (same strike + date). Is it better to reduce losses by lowering your avg, or would it be better to just start a new contract (different strike or date) that can be pure profit?

I have the annoying habit of making the correct end price guess for bi-weekly options, but I constantly buy them at the wrong time. So my options end up ITM, but since I keep buying them at the worst time, I break even at best.


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