Is Intel a good investment for the next 5 – 10 years?

Hello, just as the title says.

INTC seems like its down in the dumps at the moment, and doesn't have any sign of immanent revival. Where do you guys see this company and stock in the next 5 – 10 years? The stock is valued at $20 at the moment of writing, I'm just wondering if this is the time to jump into INTC since they are starting to invest in GPUs and I see them trailing behind NVDA in the next 5 years. Perhaps getting into data centres and the consumer market.

If they get their act together, this could be their “Nvidia” moment where they start pulling up again. Being backed by the US government means that they don't want it to fail. If Taiwan is invaded there will be massive pressure on INTC's fabricators. We have seen this once before with AMD stock falling to $2 a share, where it now sits at $145.

Where do you guys see this heading?


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