Is anyone buying this dip? Sales are on brothers!

Sure I don't mean backin the truck up, but I'm 30% cash and starting to get an itch brothers!

I mean the NQ is now down 20%!! I mean heck even adding a few QQQ shares here is smart for 5 years out right?

Same with VTI! VTI is now down to 4100 as of tonight.

Sure they may (probably will) go lower, but at least we can start to nibble here a few shares?

Getting real tempted to pick up a few NVDA MSFT and HD shares as well.

I might wait till after tomorrow though. Looking like another blood red day!

Heck in my opinion this sell off is good news! Who wants to pay last year's ath prices for MSFT?! $320? $340?!

I hope the sp500 hits 2500!


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