Investment Banking Advice

I am a 17 year old budding Financial analysis looking for some advice from someone who has taken the road of Investment banking. I have managed my own portfolio for 3 years and 2 months now with a return of 22% on a total of 43 trades. I have recently moved to solely options in the past 11 months. on the 21st will be a full year with the account netting a profit of 43%. I am psychopathic when it comes to money and stocks as I have realized my potential. I have adopted this crazy money driven mindset in the past year where all I think about is money and dedicate about 6 hrs a day to the market. I don't value school as I am a junior and the only class I take that I value is my AP Econ class. I have a 50 year personalized flow chart till I plan to retire at about 65. I caddie at a very prestigious golf club where I interact with very many high profile individuals and have two possible internships lined up this summer because of people I have met and connections I have made (I caddie literally 1-2 times every single day in the summer). It sounds crazy but I have everything planned down to the year. I have very many possibilities in the sector though. I feel I will most likely go to college for Finance, hop around a bit with a firm, until I eventually start my own hedge fund (it will happen). I believe the connections I have made and will continue to make will provide very generous seed funding for my plan and I believe as I have only known trading in the bear market, I will succeed even more in the bull. If anyone out there has a similar mindset, experience, and can give me any advice on what you did or what happened to you I would greatly appreciate it. I will also note that I am the 2022 Huntington stock market champion (out of over 5000 teenagers) and am leading this years competition with a current portfolio value of $155,000 while 2nd place is $120,000 as an appeal to credibility. Thank you for your time and consideration.


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