Investing During the Current Geopolitical Situation

Hello everyone!

During the past 8 months or so I have been learning about stocks and the stock market. I have learned a lot about valuations, all the important metrics and I have even learned the basics of options. Now, with all that said, I know DCA and continuous investing is key in building a stock portfolio since the index generally goes up. But I'm afraid that in the end, if an all-out nuclear war breaks out, which isn't unlikely considering how unstable Putin is, I will have wasted my money. I'm in Croatia, we are in NATO and the EU and, if anything happens, we will be subsequently involved. Our geographical position isn't that great either.

What's you advice? I'm not sure what to do, I was surprised when Russia invaded Ukraine since that was the week I just set up my Trading212 account and deposited cash to invest. Advice and help appreciated!


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