If you make money from WAR you should donate!


I read this question a lot.

Should I donate if I profite from war ? /or anything like that

Yes you should!

I dont care if your investment directly or indirectly impacted the war, you should donate. Investing is a luxury and you should be greatful to have this opporunity.

There enough prodigys out there who would do anything to be in your position but cant due to war, infrastructure etc.

Im sick of reading that you shouldnt donate because of XYZ. Dont be an asshole and pretend you are the wolf of wallstreet and care only about yourself.

You made some money? Congratulations ! but donate please a tiny bit ! It doesnt matter what ! The worst that can happend is you changed someones live forever !

Thank you.

Donating in generell is always a good idea!


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