If ByteDance ever becomes a public company…

I am all in.


I have serious doubts as to the competence of FB’s Zuckerberg. It is clear that Zuckerberg has no creative innovative plays in his pocket. Instagram was an app developed by someone not affiliated with FB, which FB purchased and ran with. IG Stories was a concept stolen from Snap, Inc. IG Reels was a concept stolen from TikTok. FaceBook is decaying. The metaverse is a speculative play principally enabled by corporations (think Dolce and Gabbana, Tommy, Forever 21).

Having said this, I give credence to what Professor Damodaran has said ( https://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/2022/02/back-to-earth-or-temporary-setback.html?m=1 ) about FB being massively cheap right now. I would purchase FB if in the next one or two financial statements they report attractive net income.

Disclaimer: I own SNAP.


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