I don’t see any positives for this market anymore. I’m going 100% cash tomorrow.

I'm 30% cash right now and getting scared. The war is really getting bad and then we have the qt and fed stuff and sorry but I just don't see this getting any better.

I'm down 18% which I'm not that worried about, but I don't wanna be down 50% by June!

Here's the top of my portfolio.

UNH 10.3%

GOOGL 9.3%

AAPL 6.8%

Fskax (total market) 6.2%

MSFT 4.7%


Someone just informed me that AAPL MSFT etc will all get crushed once the Fed starts tightening.

Should I reduce those positions?

Some are long and others are in my ROTH.



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