How’s my long term strategy?

Hello everyone,

I am a 23 year old who graduated from Uni last year and working full time now. I have put together a higher risk portfolio I’d like to hear thoughts on. I’ve been maxxing out my Roth for 2021 and 2022 and contributing a match at my job for my 401k which goes completely into S&P funds. Doing the math that will be atleast 50% of my investment portfolio as I DCA into both my Roth and 401k by EOY 2022. Over time i will contribute a lot more to my 401k so I figured my 401k should always be bigger than my spec portfolio otherwise I did something really right.

Now for my Roth I hold high risk growth stocks in different sectors that I have conviction in from highest to smallest position size:

1) AMD/NVDA (Only
Position I haven’t DCA’ed yet; debating which one to go with as AMD fundamentals make it a better buy imo but NVDA has the better product)
2) SQ
4) SE
6) GE
8) AI
10) QS
11) FUBO
12) SBET
13) SPCE

First 6 will make up about 70-75% of my spec portfolio with 3-5%ish positions on the rest. I just dropped a 33% lump sum of my 12k and plan to DCA throughout 2022 with remaining contributions.


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