How early are reverse mergers priced in with the market?

Just talking out of confusion here, I've been looking at $agba as a long term play due to their reverse merger with triller incoming and the upcoming tiktok ban, but im wondering if the merger was already priced in on announcement due to its large increase of value, obviously the company itself values the future at something like $10 a share but based on my research into other companies/reverse mergers this seems highly unrealistic? I'm not quite experienced enough into looking at companys fundamentals to compare this merger with the other examples i've looked at which all seemingly either died off because both companies sucked anyway or the price remained unchanged after merger completion, so I have no idea how they compare to agba + triller's situations (especially since I cant find any accurate information on trillers value)

TIL: Is a reverse merger priced in on the announcement or will the price expect an increase upon completion, and will it carry into forward momentum for the future? Or is it all completely unknowable even with fundamentals?

I flaired this as company question but it might be more relevent as market question? Anyone with more experience and years with the market, please enlighten me


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