FTSE Global All Cap Index Fund – now…!?!?

Long time lurker first time poster here.

I’ve wanted to start investing for retirement since my 20s. I told myself I’d start investing when I was 30.

I’ve saved 50k ready to stick on a house (just waiting for the right time life-wise, it will be soon) and so now would like to start on LONG term stocks.

My plan was always FTSE Global All Cap Index Fund. I plan to invest 15% of pre-tax income monthly, religiously, until I retire or thereabouts. I can afford to do it so can’t see a problem.

I turn 31 TOMORROW so today is my last chance to put my first deposit in and fulfil my goal of starting at age 30! I know you say time in the market is most important but REALLY?? The world market is so volatile this week and stocks are surely on their way down – does that matter in my case? I’m investing monthly, long term… so I guess it doesn’t?! It just seems counter productive to buy now when stocks are bound to dip further.

Thanks all


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