Friendly reminder that NOBODY, neither the bears nor the bulls, knows what will happen next

Recently, everyone seems to have become an overnight expert on geopolitics, national wars, federal monetary policy, the effect of inflation on the economy, and the oil and energy industries. Many people are convinced that the market is doomed, and that we are just at the start of a total collapse.

But if it was so obvious that the market is going to drop another 20%, then everyone should just buy an inverse ETF today and make easy money right?

Wrong. Absolutely nobody knows what is coming next. It's been proven time and time again that the market moves almost completely at random in the short term, and that the average investor has no better ability to predict the near future than a person throwing darts at a dartboard. Whatever bad news you are reading about every single day is already priced into the market. The events that will move the market in the short to medium term have yet to be revealed.

My advice? Stay strong mentally and continue to DCA into the market. Do not deviate from your predetermined investment plan. The market will be volatile for a while but in the long run the market will find its way back to ATH's. Use this opportunity to buy in while stocks are on sale. And whatever you do, don't think that you know what is coming next. Because you probably don't.


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