Fill or Kill vs All or None

I have been doing a lot of searching to see what is the benefit of FOK vs AON, and can't find any actual benefit for FOK > AON.

Essentially, let's say I have 1 million shares of stock X and its current price is $20/share. I would like to sell all 1 million of my shares at $21/share – but in ONE lot. I do not want partial fills.

If I place an AON order, it will hopefully sell all 1 million shares at 21/share once that price is achieved and once a MM accepts the volume of 1 million shares at 21/share.

If I place a FOK order, it will enter my order and then cancel it immediately if it's not at 21/share at the time the order is placed.

Any insight on how FOK is a benefit over an AON order would be appreciated.


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