Euro & International Stock Advisory Service

I know Motley Fool a lot of hate in here but I am wondering if anyone knows about any stock advisory services that focus on – or at least cover – non-US stock.

I have done a lot of research but I thought I'd ask, after finding so many resources. If there are a few that are regarded as better than the rest then that's what I'll go with.

I live in the UK but 90% of my portfolio is made up of US stocks.

My knowledge of Euro stocks is abysmal but I suspect, for example, I want to get some Volkswagen in my portfolio at some point.

Is there a Motley Fool type service outside the US?

I am a Fool subscriber and find the content very useful.

I'm going to do my DD on any stocks I buy but knowing where to start for recommendations is hard.

If not a “tipping” service, a forum or any kind of site to get me started would be excellent.

I guess it's because US companies are so important to everyone's life – and the fact that the UK and the US share a language – that building a decent portfolio of US stocks has been so much easier.

I thought now would be a good time to start reading (I won't be investing any time soon), given the political instability in Europe.

This is the first time I've experienced like this in my lifetime, or certainly since I've been old enough to understand the impact it can have on markets.

It's tragic what's happening in Ukraine but if it's possible to make some money, I can donate more to aid efforts, as well as being selfish and improving my portfolio.

Thanks in advance.


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