Earnings discussion week of 2/7-2/11

With the crazy volitility we've been seeing on recent earnings releases, I think there will be a lot of opportunities to make good money.

What are your predictions for this coming earnings week and what are your reasons behind them?

I personally think we'll see Pfizer shoot up on strong earnings due to the surge of omicron, their last few earnings have been strong beats. I also think Peloton will fall hard after a weak report and also from a retrace due to Friday's afterhours spike on nothing but buyout rumors. Twitter I'm on the fence about and could see it going either way. What about others such as BP, Disney and Lyft?

What else are you guys thinking will happen? What do you think will be the next Netflix, PayPal, Facebook and Amazon, and why?

I hope we can get a healthy discussion going that helps us all make some money! Good luck and happy trading!


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