Do you guys have any sources for company/industry specific KPI data? Like number of subscribers, daily/monthly active users, etc?

I use Public to invest and they have a neat feature that shows metrics like daily active users (for social media companies) or gross payment volume (for fintechs like PayPal, Square), and a bunch of other industry/company specific metrics. I love the feature, but not every company has data available on there, and I'd like to see more than just 2 or 3 different metrics. Something like how much revenue comes from government or commercial contracts, or how much revenue comes from specific partners, etc.

I find this data incredibly useful, and while most of it comes from shareholder presentations and quarterlies, it would be nice to have a platform where we could get a full picture of this type of market intelligence. I've looked up online where I can find sites like this but I've yet to find any that seem reputable enough where I'd wanna spend $$.

I know company's obviously wouldn't want to publish some of this data because it would put them at a competitive disadvantage, but it's incredibly important to me as an investor knowing if, say, 60% of your revenue comes from just 2 or 3 partners.



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