Books and Websites

I made this post so we can bring attention to good sources of information. Reddit as far as i know is a HORRIBLE place to get information, everyone disagrees on everything and its mostly about people ranting about how much money they have lost.

I came on reddit to see what people do with their money and how they do it, not necessarily to learn new things. Some people do mention things that are worth checking out which is pretty cool and when a lot of people give information they tell you to do your own research on the information they have given you.

I would like people to post books and websites that are relevant to this time period and help with understanding basic terms and how/why things work the way they do. I feel it is more important to understand WHY something works rather than WHAT works.

If people could mention any books or information worth looking at, it would be much appreciated if you explained what the book/article/website covers and why we should look into.

(I mostly made this post bc I need new books to read)



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