Best ways to use Damodaran videos to learn basics of investing

I’m very new to stocks (like many other people who took an interest in the past couple years), I want to stop “gambling” and start to invest and actually have an idea of what I’m doing instead of throwing darts at a wall.

I’ve decided I am going to study Damodaran videos he has from his class, and follow along throughout the semester since the videos progress with each session. Having no previous experience in accounting principles and it being over a decade since I’ve taken a business 101 course, I thought this would be a decent road to start down.

Quickly realizing I still may be jumping too far ahead, and wanted to know if anyone has taken a similar approach? Where did you start your journey?

I’ve read a couple of the books that everyone here speaks about
Walk down Wall Street
Little book that beat Wall Street
Intelligent investor
One up on Wall Street

But really trying to see if anyone else has followed Damodaran through his class videos and recommends a particular order to watch them?


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