Best earning plays next two weeks

What do you think the best earning plays might be next week. I won last week with Amazon and Google. But lost on Ford.
Watching both Amazon and Google I saw that it was going down 72 hours before earnings to an extreme point. Should’ve waited until the day of earnings to purchase. I purchased prematurely 48 hours ahead. Could’ve had better pricing.

Lost 10% on my Ford investment but I know long-term it’s going to be OK.

I did buy two weeks ago Cleveland-Cliffs when it was about $16.25. Earnings will either exceed today’s value or drive it back to $16.25

I am thinking Walmart will be similar to Amazon. It’s pulled back from a tire of $145 per share to about $138. It would not surprise me to see it dip to $135 before earnings. I can’t imagine their fourth-quarter being a bad one so it may be worth the opportunity to buy the dip and then sell it after earnings


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