Are there any companies that aren’t noticeably tainted by some sort of negative reputation?

While it's probably true that no company is completely “clean,” since the world of business often demands that they take any viable steps to preserve their bottom lines, are there any companies that exist that haven't accumulated any significant negative reputations in the court of public opinion?

It seems like they're hard to find, if they even exist at all. No matter what sector, there's some form of criticism that goes against them…

  • Communication Services: Oligopolies (internet service companies), data privacy issues (GOOG, META)
  • Consumer Discretionary: Anti-union practices and exploitation (AMZN, NKE)
  • Consumer Staples: Anti-union practices and exploitation (WMT, TGT), environmental and health concerns (KO, MO)
  • Energy: Environmental and health concerns (oil/gas companies)
  • Financials: Reckless banking practices (pretty much any bank)
  • Health Care: Price gouging (drug companies, health insurance companies)
  • Industrials: Endangerment (weapons companies), environmental and health concerns (transportation companies)
  • Information Technology: Monopoly attempts and data privacy concerns (AAPL, MSFT)
  • Materials: Environmental and health concerns (any chemicals company)
  • Real Estate: Buying up property and hiking rent on tenants, making property purchases for everyday people unaffordable
  • Utilities: Environmental and health concerns (energy companies)


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