Any recommendations on gaining an in-depth understanding of the following industries: oil, semiconductors, global shipping/logistics.

I am looking for reading resources to get an 'in-depth' understanding of these industries. I wish to understand my own investments (AMD, INTC) that have so far been based on surface level news articles and analyst recommendations, and also inform future ones.

  • For example, I'd like to understand the behavior of upstream versus downstream oil industries in different economic settings. What differentiates Haliburton or Schlumberger from Exxon? What exactly is the importance of liquefied natural gas and who is to benefit? How reliant will Japan be on future LNG shipping given its shutdown of nuclear energy?
  • I want to understand the relationship between AMD, INTC, TSMC, Nbidia, ASML, etc. What is the significance of Gelsinger pushing for the manufacturing of these new 'fabs?' Is AMD or INTC really the leader and in what spaces? [Everyone here is always so one-sided on AMD vs INTC… which doesn't help me]
  • Regarding the supply chain, I'm interested in the broader innovations that are to come in the future, if there are any. Will we get better at preventing future supply chain crises? Can public policy changes in this current era or changes to 'just-in-time' systems accomplish this? Are there new efficiencies to be had that make such companies worth overweighting in a portfolio?

I'm not just looking for 'what to invest in.' I'm open to a reasonable amount of technical science, and wish to read something shorter than an entire book. I want to know what the 'insiders' of the industry think. Some time last week, there was an in-depth discussion of the 'timber/logging' industry on either here or /r/investing. I found it fascinating. I want to gain this kind of know-how but for these industries too.

I'm also open to opinions on whether gaining this in-depth understanding is even useful. Will this truly make me a better investor?


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