Any explanations for today are speculation at best…Quotes like “sell the rumor, buy the news” are imperfect snapshots of an enigma.

If today has proven anything, it's that market movements and behavior are all but unpredictable. Buying the dip in the morning could have easily gone either way and no one would have batted an eye had indices fallen by the same amount they gained today. However, with the benefit of hindsight, everyone is suddenly an expert in market movements, providing mantras like “wall st loves certainty,” “sell the rumor, buy the news,” “foreign money fled to the US.” Sure, these are all great theories, but the true answer is that no one knows! And since hindsight is obsolete in the business of predicting the future, none of these theories really matter in the grand scheme as they wouldn't have held any weight otherwise. These mantras are imperfect snapshots of the unpredictable enigma that we call the stock market. Thanks for listening.


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