AI in Control?

I am new to investing, but have been paying a lot of attention to the market and my investments since the beginning of this year. A combination of events has caused me to wonder at some things and I was curious if I am on target or off target in my thinking.

I have been paying attention also to AI and I’m thinking about the time that it became better at the game Go than humans. One of the elements of that situation that has stuck out in my mind is that the machines were reported to play go very differently than human competitors to a degree that the humans couldn’t understand, at least initially, the strategy.

Is it possible that there is enough control of enough money in the market by AI that the AI systems are now playing the market like they played Go? That could explain what, to me, looks like strange and unpredictable movement in the market. It is conceivable, for me at least, that the machines, if optimized a certain way or focused on certain outcomes, could create movements in the market that produced greater wealth for those employing them by, triggering sell off’s after selling high and then buying back in lower or many more things that I can’t even imagine.

I’m not making a point, I am asking questions


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