Accidentally created wash sale

I have been dabbling in LETFs for a bit but never really day traded or played options on it up until recently. I sold covered calls on SOXL, got the shares assigned .. didn't really know about rolling options up until now ended up losing those shares. I day-traded a bit after and long story short now I have a disallowed loss of about 50k. In addition I have a realized gains of about 75k. What does this mean?

Does this mean that if I have an additional profit of upto 50k on SOXL, it would cancel out against the disallowed loss? I.E. my end of the year realized gains would only be 75k (if I don't have additional losses)

Or am I screwed, and any additional profit I might have I would have to pay taxes on them on top of my realized gains of 75K?

Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks


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