A lot of fellow redditors here should consider heavily weighting their portfolios to VOO/VTI

The S&P500 returned about 28% in 2021. I'd love to know what percentage of redditors here beat that. You can achieve those gains with virtually no time commitment…just DCA into VOO or something similar.

That being said, obviously this is r/stocks and investing in stocks is much more fun that just dumping your money into an index fund (well, fun when you pick winners at least). For my portfolio, I've got about 50% weighting in VOO. Had some big winners (like Ford) and also a handful of losers (like PYPL). I'm going to continue investing in individual stocks because it's a fun hobby, but I may increase my VOO allocation from 50% to 60-75%. No shame in that.

While this is a message that's been shared a number of times in this subreddit, its worth repeating. If you're stressing about your stock picking losers (seeing lots of posts commiserating about horrible 2021 investing results) please consider allocating the majority of your portfolio to VOO.


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