A (Bullish) Case for Meta, as a mid and long term investment

Obviously it isnt exactly impartial. You can see how strongly I feel. However, the market doesnt care about your feelings on its product when they're making a significant sum of money. The only bear cases to be made in my opinion are that they will waste a ton of money on failed Metaverse products. Im under the impression firstly that they wont, and secondly that short term noise doesnt matter. Financials matter.

Facebook at its current price is the best investment on the market from a funamentals mid/long term investor stand point. They made 117B in revenue in 2021, a 37% increase year over year. On that revenue, they made 95B in profit, also with a 37% increase year over year. Their financials alone should sell you after this. No company making nearly 100B per year with this level of growth at a market cap of only 544B. Many people are too hung up on short term news. I dont care if Zuckerberg spends 30B a year playing around in the Metaverse if he can continue growing his company at a healthy rate. Of course growth will slow down, but that is how numbers work. Also, you have to realize, nobody except insiders know exactly what he has planned for the future. The guy is in his mid 30s and has a company generating 100B in profits per year with unreal growth and a /very/ healthy balance sheet. Every single part of the business doesnt need explosive growth.

You can only grow profits so high. 30% growth on trillions of dollar in revenue is unrealistic. So when do I plan to exit? The same way I plan to exit all of my positions. When my long term faith in the companies management falls below how attractive the asset is currently trading at. So until it is fairly valued or Zuck gives a reason to believe that they are valued incorrectly due to short sightedness.

What the future holds doesnt matter because I cant predict it. I just know that in the long term, there arent many investment opportunities that look as lucrative without significantly higher risk to me at this time.


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