I just scanned through this list https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-600-companies-have-withdrawn-russia-some-remain and realized that I'm a share holder in an American company (corning) who is carrying on with business as usual in Russia. Ethically, I don't feel right being a partial owner/dividend collector of a company who is continuing to operate and pay taxes in Russia. I don't know tRussia? extent of Corning's Russian operations, but do know that their products (anything glass, including fiber optics) could have communications or even military applications. Ethically I can't support corning Inc. or any company that is not making an effort to scale down their russian business.
I'm strongly considering selling my shared in corning, but also wonder if my voice (no matter how miniscule) is any louder as a current share holder. Has anyone else liquidated their shares or taken other actions as a share holder with companies who continue to do business in russia?
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