Stocks were supposed to go up

With all the QE and Fed stuff going on, People seemed to be betting heavily on market crashing, 2008 repeat etc. Our thread was filled with posts on AMD to $80, Apple to $120 etc..

Well we saw the earnings, Tech gave strong earnings (except companies like FB and few others). Infact their guidance is even higher and they seem to feel no issues with rate or inflation.

I remember posting this is thread as well that “If Market pusnishes growing companies who have good cash those companies will start buying shares”.. I laughed when Devinder (AMD's CTO) mentioned that did a buy back of $100M worth AMD shares when AMD went to $100. He was literally smiling when saying this.

Same could be done by Googe, Apple or Nvidia as well.

Market can punish small caps but big caps will try to evade via one way or the other. It also shows the strength of Big Tech and Big Tech is nowhere near slow down. They have been guiding higher and higher and delivering unlike Ford or GME.

Mostly we become irrational and just think that other company's stock price should grow but the challenge is other companies barely post 3 quarters os continous growth.


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