Another Theranos – What’s Wrong With Ginkgo Bioworks?

Ginkgo’s IPO was one of the biggest hype during COVID, raising $1.6B with Bill Gates backing. And now we got just another Theranos story:

Despite all the eco-dreams and impressive PR, Ginkgo failed 9 out of 10 projects and $DNA dropped over 97% from its peak. Though I think for those who know biotech a bit more than school studies, it was pretty clear from the start – just some fancy words about molecules from top execs with no real substance.

In the end, Ginkgo’s paying $17M to settle and drop the charges. Well, I guess better than prison, right, Bill?

So, are there some DNA investors? How much were your losses? Or do you have the same opinion on Ginkgo's future as once one famous Microsoft guy had?


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