Seeking investment advice


I’m fairly new to investing and would appreciate some guidance. I've come up with a strategy that I hope will help me achieve my financial goals, but I’m not entirely sure if I’m on the right track.

Here’s the plan I’ve been considering:

Daily Investment Amount: €10
Allocation per Asset:

€1 in Microsoft (MSFT)
€1 in Amazon (AMZN)
€1 in Shopify (SHOP)
€1 in S&P 500 Index (SNP)
€2 in Gold
€2 in Silver
€1 in Berkshire Hathaway (Berkshires)
€1 in Alphabet (GOOGL)
I chose these investments because they seem to be relatively low-risk, with it being diversified (kinda)
I have a few questions regarding this strategy:

Are there any other stocks or assets I should consider adding or replacing in my portfolio?
Would it be more effective to invest a larger amount on a less frequent basis, or should I stick with daily investments?
3.What are the potential returns I could expect over time with this strategy, and what should be my long-term expectations

Currently, I’m 15 years old and plan to continue investing like this until I turn 18. After that, I hope to increase the amount I invest.


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