I was given stock options as part of a vested share scheme, from a company who's now been bought entirely from a much larger company. But no pay out or “exit event”
Company A = original smaller company
Company B = large corporation
Stock options are for joint venture company A/B
Some key points:
supposed stock value – over 100k
vested over 4 years
company A had been majority bought by company B about 2 years back
in the last year, changed to 100% ownership to company B
company A is still operating under original business name to their customer base, for now, but is 100% owned by company B
advised that the stocks had vested at just over 3 years? This was stated in a shareholders group message
then I was informed through a co-worker who received information from CEO directly (I was told by my manager to have a chat with this person, because they got info from the CEO) – that the buyout is not considered an exit event, and that they were apart of a similar scheme and randomly got a call years later, detailing a random payout because of a private buyer
This sure feels like I've been duped. What are your thoughts and what are my options here?
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