What are your investment criteria for buying individual stocks?

Out of curiosity, how do you typically decide whether to buy a stock? Do you rely on valuations (DCF, DDM, comparable companies analysis) or simply review financial statements?

I usually go through 10-K reports, stay up-to-date with news, and listen to earnings calls to gauge management's expectations. However, I'm considering creating DCF, DDM, and multiples templates for quick and dirty valuations, along with tools for portfolio management for better decision making.

I avoid investing in hyped companies (I never bought Nvidia, which in hindsight was a mistake) and focus on companies that are profitable and likely to remain so. I've also learned to avoid companies making risky acquisitions (lesson from Farfetch). While I haven't had huge returns, I rarely incur big losses with this approach.

Is there anything else you consider?

Edit: updated what I meant by valuation


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