What does holding a stock do to the share value/price?

To my limited understanding, the price of a stock depends on the supply/demand, high volumes with more buyers than sellers will raise the price due to the trade being done at a higher price than what the stock is currently valued at (the buyers seeing the stock as worth more than what the stock is listed as) and vice versa with more sellers than buyers the transaction is done at slightly less price than the current stock value listing

Outside of this though, what influence does holding onto a stock long term do to the value of the stock? In a perfect world where a majority of shareholders simply hold the stock: If you are not interacting in the supply/demand of the stock, does this not negatively impact the value, as its more likely the valuations/trades are done at a slightly lower than current stock price? eventually bringing the value down slightly

Someone explain to an idiot like me how holding the stock long term interacts with the pricing of a stock


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