GOOG is $2736
SPHD is $45.75
So roughly 60 shares of SPHD for 1 share of GOOG.
How ever, GOOG is doing a 1 to 20 split soon; so roughly $137 a share.
I would only buy one share of Google right now as it's all I can do. It will be in a Roth IRA which right now has split between VOO and SPHD.
Other option is I can put the GOOG into my long term non IRA account and contribute to the IRA later on this year with more of SPHD.
So basically trying to figure out where to put GOOG, if IRA would be better long term or should I continue to put ETF/ index and Dividends into my IRA and keep individual stocks in the long term account.
30 years old so roughly another 30 years more of investing.
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