a quick question about reverse split dilution.

So I owned this penny stock, just for fun (literally had an extra buck in my account and was like “let's see what happens” and had a single 1 stock), and the company pretty much went bankrupt, code 11 and all that, however since it was a well established brand, it got rescued and I woke up to the lovely surprise of it being >250x my buying price…

except it's no longer in my account, looking into it, part of the agreement for the rescue was a reverse split dilution of 5,000,000 to 1, so do I still own 1/5,000,000 of a stock? or did they buy it and pay me the equivalent miniscule fraction of a cent? can they even do that? how could I figure it out?

again the money lost was less than a buck, so I'm not mad or anything just curious on what actually happened.


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