Is this the wrong way to think about investing?

I have budgets for different things. If I spend under budget I invest the remainder. Im trying to put a lot of my income straight into savings because I want to buy a house in the next couple of years. I've been able to put an average of $850 into savings per month. I don't want to lose that much to stocks if I invest poorly because of wanting to buy a house within the next 2-3 years. Which is why I don't budget anything specifically for investing.

My budgets are weekly. Sometimes it'll just be like $15 under budget. I'll add that $15 and just invest it in whatever I'm feeling that day. Sometimes partial shares, sometimes whole shares. My portfolio is kinda all over the place with industries and types of stock too.

I view it as hey I budgeted to plan to use this money to play magic the gathering and didn't or food was a little cheaper than expected this week. I'll just see how it goes with investing it.

I haven't made a lot so far, but I've only been doing this a few months. I'm 23 years old and only started doing this about 6 months after graduating college. While I was in college I didn't have the money to invest at all.

What are y'all's thoughts?


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