Do TSLA bears do any research?

  • Should not have a greater market cap than xxx. Why not? That's just a logical fallacy.

  • Should have a P/E equivalent to traditional automakers. Anyone who can read simple financial statements will realize why. Look at a 30 year total return chart of Ford

  • EV competition is coming. Of course there will be competitors. iPhones only command 20% global market share. Very few know it captures 90% of global profits. Market share isn't as important as margins & profitability.

  • It's just an automaker. No it isn't. Valuations are forward looking, and no other manufacturer has implied growth in other verticals. Have the bears assigned any value to Lathrop megapack ramp-up? I'm not interested in backward looking numbers – I'm looking at FY2023-2025 EPS.

  • Car sales will fall in a recession. Of course it will. But what will that do to automakers with low single-digit net margins? And do recessions last forever?

Bonus: how much does Tesla make per car sold? How about Toyota?

Please continue to buy more puts bears! Keep the IV high for CSPs.


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