How can UWMC afford to pay 12.08% dividend rate?

Is this sustainable or are they going to be forced to lower the yield since mortgage origination has drastically slowed down? They are ranked number 1 in US and the volume of loans in 2022 was $226,503,692,507. CEO also recently purchased SUNS basketball team – not sure if that changes anything.

I think housing will continue to stabilize in 2023 and probably stay flat or decrease until 2025. But we still have housing shortage and homes will continue to sell obviously not as fast and crazy prices as before.

The other point I want to mention is mortgage industry is interesting because generally you can go directly to a lender like your Bank or you can use a mortgage broker who can shop around for the best program that fits your needs which is where UWM comes into play. I have used both in past and they are both solid options depending on your needs. I don't think one is necessarily better that the other.

Any input is always appreciated.


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