It’s notable that renewable energy stocks are rising with oil & gas right now.

Few sectors have performed well over the past month, with exceptions being oil & gas, defense, and also renewable energy. ENPH is up about +10%, SEDG is up +25%, European wind stocks are way up, even PLUG is up +13%.

Until last month, renewables traded like ARK stocks and were lumped together with every other speculative high growth, high risk story. Now with the war in Ukraine and oil over $100/barrel, investors are taking renewable energy seriously.

This is positive for two reasons: 1. now there's a clear bull case for renewables as a hedge against geopolitical risks (unlike ARK stocks). And 2. it demonstrates that renewable energy is viable, and a viable investment.

U.S. solar stocks are currently classified as “technology” companies. Perhaps someday they will be considered “energy” companies.


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