What do you think is best value right now? (SQ, PYPL, FB, NFLX)

Which of these 4 stocks do you think is most undervalued at the moment, if any?

SQ (Block) down 66% from its ATH with a market cap of $57B.

PYPL (PayPal) down 69% from its ATH with a market cap of $112B.

FB (Meta Platforms) down 50% from its ATH with a market cap of $526B.

NFLX (Netflix) down 49% from its ATH with a market cap of $157B.

I personally think they are all very solid stocks and I'd be surprised if any of them don't break their ATHs in the future, although I wouldn't bet on it happening any time soon. I personally own SQ and PYPL and have done for a few years now; I really like the digital payments industry and think both companies have a more growth left in them. Although SQ is yet to achieve any substantial profit margin, they brought in over $17.5B in revenue in 2021 compared to $9.5B the year before. They also have a cash position of over $8B.

What are people's thoughts on these four?


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