European stock indexes have reached bear market territory

For example Germany:

Today also marked the beginning of a new era on the German stock market. As of today, the DAX is officially in a bear market, meaning that the price losses since its record high of 16,290 points in January amount to more than 20 percent.

92% of all German stocks in the major indices (DAX, MDAX, SDAX) are below their 200-day SMA line.

The war in Ukraine causes a dramatic collapse in the economic confidence of stock market participants. Investors see future gloomily – Ukraine shock causes Sentix barometer to slump

This shows the barometer published by the investment consulting firm Sentix on Monday. Accordingly, the overall index to the euro zone falls from 16.6 points in February to minus 7.0 points in March and thus the lowest value since November 2020. Expectations suffered particularly badly: The sub-index rushed by 34.75 points in the basement. According to Sentix, there has never been such a slump in the barometer's roughly 20-year history.

“Even the Corona pandemic or the banking crisis had not led to such a sharp drop in future prospects,” explained Sentix Managing Director Patrick Hussy. According to the survey, the 1216 investors polled from March 3 to 5 see a far greater negative impact on the euro area economy than was generally expected so far. The slump is far more dynamic than the roughly two percent annual sales achieved by European companies in Russia would suggest.


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