Companies withdrawing from Russian investments – can someone point me to a resource to help understand what it means?

I have been trying to look, but cannot find the answer.

This is based on the various reports that I am seeing that companies are divesting their interests.

If a company, like IBM, Boeing, etc that have huge investments in Russia state that they are withdrawing their investments from those countries in Russia and take a “write down”, does that not mean that they just threw their interests (money) into the trash?

If they just dump their interests in the investment they made, then when the war is over then that company would be free to do whatever they want without the influence of the original company that invested in them and helped them?

Am I understanding that correctly? Does that mean that history could repeat itself in the future with next time having NO input from others? Or worse yet lets say that company makes airplanes, car, parts, etc and now because the foreign company has “divested their interests” then that company in Russia may come out stronger after the war than before?

Or does this mean when the war is finally over that the company that was invested in will have to payback the investment that was divested?

This is not like when Venezuela Nationalized the oil industry and companies investment disappeared. This is companies willing dumping their interests, whether that be stocks, loans, etc in another company.


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