Big Opportunity in $ISPOW

$ISPOW = Warrants for $ISPO

In short, 1 stock of $ISPOW goves you the right to buy 1 stock of $ISPO at $11.5

Current price of $ISPO = $50+

Total cost proce of $ISPO with $ISPOW ~ $15

There is a huge gap of $30+ to be filled.

Warrants exercise date is coming up in around 8 business days.
There is a big opportunity to make huge gains on these warrants.

You do not need to exercise them, you could simply Buy and Sell them just like regular stocks.

They are not currently available on robinhood.
I trade them on Fidelity.

Ps – High risk high reward.
But seeing the simple math, even if you dont exercise them, juat trading them short term will be good.

Do your own research, not financial advise


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