Thoughts on industrials

Im trying to keep my portfolio somewhat close to benchmarks, besides being overweight consumer disc and tech because i understand them the most and use the companies, and heavily underweight financails because i have no interest in owning banks, the move to financials to prep for inflation has been hot. And as more and more fintech and crypto eat at banks revenues/profits i think the industry has a lot of headwind and a sector approach wont return much and I have no idea how to pick financials. Anyways my industrials is at 2% from etfs and I'd like to move closer to 5-7%. But im having trouble finding a quality industrial that isn't too overpriced. I kind of like deere and CAT, and LMT is on a watchlist but its way too expensive right now. So what do you guys think. Don't hear a lot of talk about industrials so i wanted to ask.


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