If you have 100K, what diversification strategy is best?

In the context of the current era, the most serious inflation in 40 years, and the Fed raising interest rates is imminent, I have a diversified investment plan, and everyone is welcome to give their opinions.

First of all, please don't put your eggs in the same basket. I think we should implement a diversified investment strategy, the greatest investment strategy of the 20th century.

From a long-term investment perspective, the best diversification strategies are comprehensive, including diversification against inflation, financial crises, and social unrest.

At the same time, we see that the stock market is not always safe in times of social unrest, inflation and financial crises. At this time, gold and energy are safer and more reliable than the stock market, and gold is the best safe-haven currency. Therefore, it is always best to invest some of your funds in the gold and energy markets.

In summary, there are the following strategies:

  1. We can selectively invest 30% of our capital in the stock market. In the stock market, we still follow a diversified investment strategy. Including technology stocks, energy stocks, consumer stocks, financial stocks, medical stocks, etc., you can refer to MSFT, AAPL, CO, TSLA, XOM, etc. (it is best to buy after a big drop);

  2. Invest 30% of the funds to directly purchase gold and crude oil. These investments cannot be replaced by gold stocks and crude oil stocks, because stocks still represent corporate behavior, and we should invest directly in the commodity itself;

  3. Invest 20% in mutual funds and ETFs, my explanation is: the fund itself is a diversified portfolio, but when the market goes up, stocks will always be more profitable than funds. Buying some funds is mainly for the volatility and downside risks that may arise in the bear market.

  4. If you invest in the current form, please reserve 20% of the funds as a safety reserve. When the financial crisis hits, this part of the money is the money you buy again.

Risks in the market are diverse, you can never predict when a risk will occur, and you never know where a risk will occur.

Analyze the actual situation and apologize for any inaccuracies.

Wish you all the best.


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