Me and my wife are young. We want to invest extremely long term (like til we’re old old).

I was talking to my wife about it. Truthfully, I watched all of the GME / AMC stuff for awhile and it honestly just seemed too much like gambling to me. That’s NOT… what we want to do (even though I know stocks themself are a gamble).

We want to invest maybe $50 a week on something and just pretend we never had the 50 in the first place.

4 questions I have…

  1. Should we get a “financial advisor?”

  2. Is robinhood okay for this type of long term investing? And can you do fractional shares with robinhood?

  3. What stocks would you guys recommend?

  4. I assume it’s wise to invest in multiple long term stocks yes? Never put your eggs in one basket right?

Edit: I ask that you please be kind. We’re just trying to learn 🙂


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