How do you feel an energy heavy portfolio will hold up during these trying times?

In March 2020, I lucked into a lot of spare cash and I ended up putting the vast majority of it into energy stocks: MPC, VLO, CVX, SU and a few others. These stocks single-handedly skyrocketed my portfolio, and I've also loved the decent dividends that have come along with a couple of these, as I have them re-invest in additional shares. However, being a bit of a pessimist, I can't help but to wonder how this conflict in the Ukraine might affect me. Of course, I hate to think about myself when innocent people are losing their lives, but I guess I do wonder. I am certainly going to hold through, but is it possible that some of these energy stocks might literally go parabolic? I guess I simply don't understand enough about the oil market to understand what I may have gotten myself into. I apologies for my ignorance, but energy stocks have kept me pretty much well in the game. I don't trade, only invest. My portfolio was very low on tech stocks, but I've been building that piece up a bit over the last few weeks.


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